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Put It Down Lifestyle The 25 Days Online Quit Drinking Program Logo

Sober curious? Thinking about changing your relationship with alcohol?

Here are some great resources available right now to help you explore what is right for you!

Put It Down?

Our founder, Sarah Olsen, tells her sober curious story and what prompted her to name this experience Put It Down

Ten Tips To Help You Take a Break from Alcohol

You've made the decision to get your relationship with alcohol right where you want it and you've decided to take a break. So now what? No matter what length of time you've decided to be on this sober curious journey, 25 days or longer, sometimes the biggest challenge is just getting started. We recommend taking alcohol completely off the table, so to speak, for at least 25 days even if your end goal is moderation. After the 25 days, then you can decide whether to continue your sober lifestyle or to moderate your drinking. One reason for this is we want you to experience all the benefits of taking a break so that you can make an informed decision.


Here are ten strategies and tips To help you begin your sober curious journey.

1. Set a clear goal and make a plan

Decide on the specific date you will start, what your goal is, and make a plan for how you will achieve it.

2. Find alternatives

Identify non-alcoholic beverages and activities that you enjoy and can use as replacements for drinking. Here’s a recipe to get you started: Virgin Margarita: Mix 1/2 cup lime juice, 1/4 cup orange juice, 1/4 cup agave nectar, and 1 cup ice in a blender. Serve in a salt-rimmed glass.

3. Keep yourself busy

Find activities and hobbies to fill your free time, such as exercise, reading, sewing, crafting, or volunteering. Keep your hands busy!

4. Be prepared for sugar cravings

Alcohol has a LOT of sugar in it. When you take a break from drinking, you can expect the sugar cravings to go through the roof. Stock up on some of your favorite sweet snacks to satisfy those cravings. Remember, the goal is taking a break from alcohol. Give yourself permission to eat that cookie if it keeps you from pouring a drink! You can find some great recipes here!

5. Avoid triggers

Identify and, if possible, avoid situations or people that may trigger the urge to drink.

6. Stay positive

Keep a positive attitude and remind yourself of the benefits of not drinking. Check out the Brain Hacks video below and these blog posts that talk about the benefits our members have found in their alcohol-free lifestyles.

7. Reward yourself

Set up small rewards for yourself throughout the month to stay motivated.

8. Keep track of your progress

Take a picture on your Day 1 and then on Day 25 and compare. Keep a journal to track your progress and reflect on your experience.

9. Make a firm commitment

Sign a non-negotiable contract with yourself to commit to stay alcohol-free for 25 days. Do whatever you have to do to get through the cravings. Give yourself the gift of not drinking for the full 25 days so you can see the benefits.

In The 25 Days you’ll get the support you need through daily material, video-chatting with other ladies, and weekly challenges.

If you experience any physical withdrawal symptoms, like the shakes, please consult your doctor immediately. You may need a more extensive rehabilitation treatment than The 25 Days offers.

Read One of Our Blog Posts

If you're questioning your drinking habits or considering a more mindful approach to alcohol, you're not alone. Our blog features personal accounts from Put It Down Lifestyle Members who have been in your shoes and decided to take action towards a healthier relationship with alcohol.

Take a Gray-Area Drinking Test, Watch a Video or Reel, Read a Book, Do a Workout, or Cook One of Our Exclusive Put It Down Recipes!

Brain Hacks

Brain Hacks Video

In this short five-minute video Sarah talks about the four neurotransmitters in our brain associated with happiness: dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, and oxytocin. These neurotransmitters play a significant role in regulating mood and emotional well-being. Sarah gives examples of how you can hack your brain to release these happy hormones!

Download a Free Five-Minute Meditation

Meditation can train your brain to stay focused and present in the moment which can help you develop a greater sense of calm and clarity. The benefits of meditation extend beyond the meditation session itself, producing a sense of inner peace and balance throughout the day, improving focus and concentration, reducing stress and anxiety, and increasing feelings of happiness and well-being. By incorporating a meditation practice into your daily routine, you are taking a proactive approach to improving your health and quality of life.

How to Answer the Question:
"Why Aren't You Drinking?"

A common question we hear is: "What do I say when my friend asks me why I'm not drinking?" It can be difficult navigating that question. Our advice is to always have a plan. Have one of the following answers in your pocket so you’re always ready.

"I'm the designated driver."

"I'm taking antibiotics."

"Alcohol doesn't serve me anymore."

"I'm taking a break from drinking for a bit."

"I have any early meeting/class/yoga tomorrow morning."

"I'm just not in the mood to wake up with a hangover tomorrow."

A good practice is to answer the question and then change the subject. Ask them a question about their life. Put the focus on them. Whatever you decide to say, just remember that you do not have to give a reason or go into lengthy explanations. It's really no one else's business why you're not drinking. You don’t need to justify your decision to be healthier to anyone. And usually when someone asks this question, it's more about their drinking than yours. 

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